Cut through the noise with our targeted marketing programs that reach key influencers in the book industry and beyond. 

In the crowded publishing space, having a well-designed strategy for book launch and a long-term marketing plan is imperative to earning the attention of consumers and retailers alike. We can design and execute a book marketing plan independently or in cooperation with your marketing and publicity teams to create a cohesive and powerful book launch.

With a wealth of experience in creating book promotion strategies and cultivating engaged audiences for our authors, our team develops customized plans for each new title.

Elements of a Marketing Campaign

We divide book marketing into five critical components:

Brand and Audience Building

We design content strategies and brand outreach through a range of initiatives such as speaker development, ancillary product recommendations, social media tools, and endorsement/testimonial campaigns, to help our authors better engage their audiences, deepen relationships, and create value and community.

Genre Marketing

To maximize awareness in communities of like-minded readers, Greenleaf’s marketing campaign includes genre-specific components such as targeted advertisements, book club promotions, award submissions, content syndication, and more.

Online Marketing

Greenleaf marketing campaigns includes an online component that is customized for authors using sales and online traffic trends for your book’s genre and subject matter.

Supply Chain Marketing

Greenleaf concentrates on marketing to retailers in order to maximize distribution, leverage your demand-generation programs, and directly influence sales.

Digital Media Outreach

Greenleaf's digital media marketing services focus on podcast interviews, influencer outreach, article placements, and press release distribution, which help to build an archive of third-party content that is discoverable, shareable, and serves as proof of your expertise.

Book Marketing Services

  • Industry and supply chain marketing
  • Genre marketing to communities of readers
  • Online marketing
  • Consumer marketing
  • Consumer and trade reviews
  • Book discoverability and searchability strategy
  • Outreach to influencers and partners
  • Book endorsement outreach

Building Your Campaign

For most authors, we build marketing campaigns that draw from all four sales-focused initiatives: brand and audience building, supply chain marketing, genre marketing, and online marketing. Our book marketing plans are customized for each author and vary from project to project.

To learn more about how Greenleaf markets best-selling and award-winning books, visit our Learning Center.