Live WELLthy

Own Your Worth, Grow Your Wealth

Dawn Dahlby
You deserve a healthy relationship with your wealth.

What does it mean to be truly wealthy? It's not about just having money in the bank. It's about living a "WELLthy life," where you create your own unique balance between earning and spending, saving and giving, work and play. A wealth-building plan for a WELLthy life supports a meaning-filled lifestyle aligned with your purpose, happiness, and self-worth.

In Live WELLthy, Dawn Dahlby encourages you to build a roadmap for your own WELLthy life by providing helpful insights, examples from her practice and her own life, and useful prompts and exercises. You will come away from Live WELLthy inspired and ready to live your best life, a WELLthy life.

​Dawn Dahlby is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM with over 20 years of experience, the country’s first Behavioral Financial Advisor, the founder and president of multi-million-dollar advisory firm Relevé Financial Group, and the creator of the Live WELLthy™ education and financial planning platform, a proprietary process that helps people identify what they want out of life and gives them proven tools to build wealth to help them get there.

Dawn is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Wealth Wellness Expert who teaches people how to live WELLthy. With over 20 years of experience, Dawn is the country’s first Behavioral Financial Advisor, the founder and president of the multi-million-dollar advisory firm Relevé Financial Group, and the creator of the Live WELLthy™ education and financial planning platform. As a fiduciary with over 20 years of experience providing financial advice, she teaches people to save for tomorrow without having to sacrifice living today. Dawn’s proprietary process helps people identify what they want out of life, and she provides proven tools so people can get the money to make it happen. Her unique approach seamlessly merges the most effective teachings of self-help and finance, alleviating financial anxiety by ensuring people have spending freedom today and tomorrow.

Dawn’s engaging coaching style and results-oriented approach to spending and saving has led her to become a sought-after speaker, a regular contributor to Worth Magazine, and a media personality offering expert advice in on both broadcast and digital media platforms. Dawn is determined to share what she’s learned, empowering other women with the skills and encouragement to recognize the connection between their brains and their bank accounts. She launched a platform called Live WELLthy, which walks individuals who don’t have access to a financial planner of Dawn’s caliber through the process, merging technology with personalized financial advice to help a broader audience.

Dawn grew up in Wisconsin and after graduating from Holmen High School, she attended The University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, studying Music Education. After two years in Eau Claire, she quit school and was hired to perform as a singer/dancer on a couple of cruise ships. After her performing stint, she moved to Minnesota and graduated from The University of Minnesota with a Bachelor's of Individual Studies degree. She married Gary Jurkovich, with whom she shares two daughters, Olivia and Sophie, and built her Wealth Advisory Practice in Minnesota. In 2018 their family decided to venture to Scottsdale, Arizona, to embrace a warmer climate and enjoy the desert lifestyle.