More Than a Game

A Vehicle for Child Development

Jim Brown

Jim Brown coached youth sports for 40 years. Working with 1,000 players, Coach Brown won more than 75% of his 400 games, relying solely on positive reinforcement to achieve his dramatic results. On the field, in the locker room, and away from the athletic facilities, the coach created a learning environment in which football was a vehicle for the total development of his athletes. The stories included in this book clearly demonstrate how a tight focus on the personal development of each athlete can deliver victories on and off the football field.

Jim Brown has volunteered his time coach of the St. Raphael Varsity football team for 40 years and has been president of the St. Raphael Football Program for 30 years. The Program recently won the 2008 Honoring the Game award from the Positive Coaching Alliance. This is a national award has been given to an exceptional youth sports program each year for the past eight years. The Positive Coaching Alliance has conducted over 6,000 live sessions nationwide to over 300,000 coaches and parents to promote positive coaching environments. At the award presentation ceremony in San Francisco, Coach Brown said, "Today, too many people let their actions define their values. The reason St Raphael Football is successful is because we let our values define our actions. "

Coach Brown graduated from Northwestern with an engineering degree and an MBA from the Kellogg School of business. He worked for Lucent Technologies for 34 years and has been retired at Lucent Technologies, his last assignment was to change the culture and operational approach within the 135,000 employee firm to create and develop high performing teams and a coaching style of leadership. He combined his industrial and youth sports experience to write More Than a Game which delivers valuable messages to youth, parents and organizational leaders. 

The author recently collaborated on a book on values published as part of the Successories Book Series. Chapter six is about St Raphael Football and how its administration successfully acts from their values.