Book Marketing

Marketing Strategy

How to Continue Driving Book Sales after Publication

In the process of publishing a book, the publication date can often be viewed as the end goal. But for a book to truly be successful and have staying power in the market, it’s important to see beyond the publication date. During the lead-up to publication and surrounding publication, there will be a flurry of marketing, promotion, and publicity. But what do you do after the initial fireworks to keep your book top-of-mind with readers?

How to Connect with Influencers to Market Your Book

Just like knowing the right people in business can help you reach your professional goals, having the right people support your book is invaluable to building awareness and credibility. But how do you get influencers to share your book with their followers, peers, and other potential readers? Here are a few tips for connecting with influencers to help publicize your book.

Securing Consumer Reviews

So, you’ve finally got your printed book in your hands after months (if not years) of painstakingly pouring yourself into it. Want people to like your work and give it positive reviews, but aren’t sure how to go about getting them? Here are a few key tips for getting readers to review your book.

Securing Endorsements

While technological advances has made publishing a book easier, it also means that selling a book is harder. Increased competition means that it is more important than ever to make sure that your book stands out to both the bookstores who may consider stocking it on their shelves and consumers looking for their next read.

How To Capture Your Book Unboxing Experience on Video

The first time an author sees and holds their book, it’s a thrilling moment and incredible milestone in their journey as a writer. The book is the culmination of months, sometimes years, of their hard work, and they are excited that their knowledge, heart, and experience is ready to be shared with the world. Some authors want to remember this first moment, capturing their thoughts and emotions on video, and celebrate the occasion with their audience.